Monday, January 10, 2011

A Bit Meh

Lately, I've just sort of been...meh about the whole political scene. I think I have too many political friends on Facebook who are either die-hard Republicans, anarchists, or Democrats. They're ruining it for me. v.v

But, I suppose while I'm here, I could say a few words.

We had a shooting this past week, I'm sure you're all aware. As of yet, I can't decide whether I think the shooter was motivated by politics or not, though I'm betting not. Not that I actually bet, you understand, but...never mind.

Other than that, there's the typical Republicans-vs.-Democrats hubbub, with each side slinging vitriol because, of course, they're both out to ruin all that is good and right in the world. Somehow. Yeah. It gives me a headache.


Charlene said...

While we cannot do much about sides taken or words spoken by those who seek political fame, we can hold our own thoughts and believe our own beliefs and work to do the right thing.

Golden Eagle said...

I would say that the shooter was motivated by politics. According to one article I read, Jesse Kelly (the Tea Party candidate who lost the election) did encourage people to take up a gun and use them to get Giffords out of office.

Kyla Denae said...

Charlene- that is very true. Thanks for offering a bit of perspective. :))

Eagle- I've heard that it was Palin and Beck and Armey and some other dude, too. I don't know what's going on, so I'm more inclined to think this guy was just some nut-job that picked up a gun and decided to shoot somebody important. Not that I have any love for the afore-mentioned pundits and politicians, but I'm not sure they're responsible for this.

Christopher said...

From what I've read and heard, it's pretty much what you would expect with mass shootings like these--the shooter was as much motivated by politics as insanity.

(Just watched Obama's speech.)