Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Our lovely President is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan. After all "There’s broad agreement that for many years, our effort in Afghanistan has been under-resourced politically, militarily and economically," as Robert Gibbs put it.

Sorry, but I don't think we need to be in Afghanistan, anyway.

Let's face it- more than likely, the reason the Afghan people are throwing bombs at us is- get this, it's totally unexpected- we're in their country. We've moved in like their country is ours, for...well, we're not really sure what. To stop Taliban activities, to further the cause of democracy, to...

OK, let's face it- we have no idea what we're doing in Afghanistan, we just like seeing things explode I guess. And I suppose we can't see things explode when our 'war effort' is 'under-resourced.'

Seems like the most logical explanation to me. (Or, of course, they're 'rogue nations' that must be 'dealt with'...)

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Kendra Logan said...

Except that they were throwing bombs at us before we went into their country...that's why we're there...

Kyla Denae said...

When did they throw bombs at us? If I'm not mistaken, we're some half-a-world away from them...

Kendra Logan said...

Lol, 9-11 anyone?

Alex said...

9/11 was caused by a group of Egyptians, Saudi Arabians (I hope I'm spelling that right) and Lebanese who were funded by Osama Bin Ladin and Al Queda. Iran and Afganistan had nothing to do with it. They did shelter Osama some, but they were not responisble for the terrorist attacks. It very typical for people to think that it was some kind of Middle Eastern League of Evil that caused 9/11, but it really wasn't and most of the people in the middle east were oppsed to the attacks and morned in Muslim mosques for days.

Kyla Denae said...

What Alex said. ^

Alex said...

I just realized this this is a rare issue we agree upon.

Kendra Logan said...

While I don't quite agree with what you said (though I don't disagree with all of it, either), the fact remains that people of the Middle East (including Iraq and Afganistan) have exhibited violence toward us. It's just a fact.

Kyla Denae said...

The Saudi Arabians did, along with a couple INDIVIDUAL Egyptians and Lebanese. There were no Iraqis, no Afghans. Period.

The professed reason we went into both Iraq and Afghanistan is to 'further democracy'...doesn't sound like we went in because of terrorism.

Dylan John Callahan said...

And, why are we "furthering Democracy", when we have a Constitutional Republic?

Very limited use of Democracy is involved in Constitutional Republicanism.

That's like throwing fruit cakes through people's windows to further Christmas spirit.